Thousands of KN95 Masks Mysteriously Moved to the U.S. from Quebec

According to JDM, Fan Zhou ordered 10,000 masks to supply hospitals in Montreal. (Photo: Ahmed Muntasir / Pexels)

“Thousands of KN95 masks to protect healthcare workers who had been ordered to China by a Chinese entrepreneur in Montreal were bizarrely detoured to the United States after being delivered to Quebec, the Montreal French daily,” Journal de Montreal reported this morning.

According to the newspaper, Fan Zhou, the owner of a Saint-Laurent manufacturing firm, says he put orders in China late March to procure 10,000 KN95 masks to supply hospitals in Montreal, including the Jewish General Hospital.

The KN95 is a Chinese alternative to the scarce N95 mask, but up until three days ago, the FDA refused to allow it into the U.S.

The international shipping courier DHL tracking records on Sunday, reveal the first delivery of Hong Kong KN95 masks arriving in Saint-Lambert, Quebec. Yesterday, the stock was suddenly moved to a DHL service center in Cincinnati, Ohio.

The JDM questioned whether the return of KN95 masks to Ohio is related to President Donald Trump’s approval of the Ohio disaster declaration due to the COVID-19 crises.

Despite numerous attempts Zhou, was unable to get answers from DHL.

Read the full story (French) at: Des masques pour le Québec détournés