At least 4000 Quebec Healthcare Workers Have Tested Positive for COVID-19 – French Daily

The newspaper reported that one in five positive COVID-19 test results is a Quebec healthcare worker.

(Photo by Joe Kibria on Unsplash)

According to data obtained by the French daily, La Presse, at least 4,000 healthcare workers across Quebec have tested positive for COVID-19.

The newspaper reported that one in five positive COVID-19 test results is a Quebec healthcare worker, representing about 20 per cent of known cases across the province.

“The CIUSSS du Center-Sud-de-l’Île-de-Montréal alone has 1,020 infected employees. A statistic which makes you dizzy, but which is far from surprising the experts,” Fanny Lévesque, LA PRESSE.

Last weekend the province was shaken upon hearing of the first death of a patient attendant working in a Montreal CHSLD.

Read the complete LA PRESSE story here.