German Doctors are Posting Nude Photos Online to Protest Shortage of Protective Clothing and Equipment

(Image: Blanke Bedenken)

Germany doctors are posting nude images of themselves online to demonstrate how insecure they feel without adequate protective equipment (PPE).

Members of the group said they called their protest Blanke Bedenken, or Naked Qualms and hope to bring attention to the shortage of protective clothing and equipment.

“The nudity is a symbol of how vulnerable we are without protection,” stated a doctor.

Since the start of COVID-19 in January in Germany, physicians have repeatedly appealed to health authorities for more PPE.

“We are your general practitioners. To be able to treat you safely, we and our team need protective equipment and political support.
When we run out of what little we have, we look like this:”

(Image: Blanke Bedenken)