Wisconsin Supreme Court Rules Stay-at-Home Order is Unlawful

According to US news sources, shortly after the court ruling small crowds of Wisconsinites were out at bars and restaurants, while some businesses reported on social media that they remained closed.

Image: Mike Goad / Pixabay

Wednesday the Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled that the state’s stay-at-home order is unlawful, overturning the state’s orders.

The decision, by a 4-to-3 majority, determined that the government of Governor Tony Evers exceeded its authority when it ordered businesses closed without legislative approval.

Governor Evers who had extended the ban on most travel and operations of nonessential businesses until May 26, cautioned that the court ruling would put “public health and lives at serious risk.”

U.S. President Donald Trump described the decision as a win for Wisconsin and its citizens, adding that “people want to get on with their lives.”

Tensions in the U.S. have escalated as people faced with months of restrictions that had driven the U.S. unemployment rate to the highest level since the Great Depression.