Interim Union President De Melo Demands Head Office Temporarily Reduce or Suspend Union Dues

“There are presently no arbitration’s, no representative counselor on site, etc. Members should not be charged dues for a service they are not receiving at the moment due Covid 19”

Image: Online Screen Grab

MUHC CSN union interim president, Kathleen de Melo, demands the Fédération de la santé et des services sociaux (FSSS / The Federation of Health and Social Services) to temporary reduce or suspend union dues because of a reduction is service due to COVID-19.

The interim president made the demand to FSSS President Jeff Begley during a telephone conversation on Wednesday, May 20.

Sunday morning De Melo confirmed in an email, that the demand was made and the local union was still waiting for Begley to respond, “Mr. Begley said he would look into it and get back us to but I have not yet heard back, so it has not been approved yet.”

She believes the membership should not be paying the regular amount of union dues because of the reduction in services from the FSSS due to COVID-19 restrictions.

“We felt the need because we are not receiving 100% service. There are presently no arbitration’s, no representative counselor on site, etc. Members should not be charged dues for a service they are not receiving at the moment due Covid 19,” she stated in the email.

The FSSS is the province’s largest union organization in health and social services, and is affiliated to the Confédération des syndicats nationaux (CSN). The associations revenue derives from is a percentage of the union dues directly deducted from workers paychecks.

Union dues for MUHC CSN employees is roughly thirty dollars per pay, of which approximatley two thirds is forwarded to the three union bodies, FSSS, CSN and Conseil central du Montréal métropolitain.

A union delegate who spoke with Manuel’s Blog on the condition their name not be published supports the interim president’s initiative. “Business across the province, including the two governments, are accommodating people, the unions should be the leaders of the pack.”

Jeff Begley was emailed for a comment on the MUHCEU demand, once we receive his reply, we will update the post.