COVID-19 Kills Fourth Quebec Patient Attendant

According to news sources the young father died on Thursday and had no underlying health problems.

Image: Pexels

A Quebec patient attendant from the Montreal Chinese Hospital of the CIUSSS du Centre-Sud-de-l’Île-de-Montréa, has died of COVID-19.

The yong father in his 40s, who had been working since the beginning of the pandemic in a CHSLD, succumbed to the deadly virus following a five-week battle in intensive care.

According to news sources the patient attendan died on Thursday and had no underlying health problems.

The Fédération de la santé et des services sociaux (FSSS-CSN), issued a brief statement early Sunday.

“We are facing yet another death. Since the start of the pandemic, thousands of us have made every effort to help Quebec get through this crisis. Losing one’s life at work should never happen and this misfortune shows the risks we take every day in the face of COVID-19. “