CSN Union Lowers 2020 Salary Demand by One Third and 25% For the Two Consecutive Years Respectively

The latest CSN counter offer, will lower Quebec’s public healthcare and social sector workers hourly wage by $1.50 over a three year contract.

FSSS-CSN May 2015 Contract Mobilization Quebec City
May 2015, Contract Mobilization Quebec City.

As part of its negotiations with the Quebec, the Confederation of National Trade Unions (CSN) is demanding an increase of $2 an hour in 2020 for its public sector workers.

Also, the union is seeking two consecutive increases of $0.75 for the years 2021 and 2022, or 2.2% for each of the two years, whichever would benefit workers the most.

If the Coalition Avenir Québec (CAQ) government accepts the Federation’s’ counter-offer, Quebec public healthcare and social sector workers would receive a total three-year pay rate increase of $3.50 an hour, as opposed to the $5 an hour in the original CSN salary demand.

In October the labour federation demanded a $3 an hour increase for 2020, followed by 3 per cent or $1, whichever amount would benefit the employees the most, for each of the two consecutive years.

The counter-offer follows the government’s latest proposal of two successive increases of 1.75 percent for 2020 and 2021 and 1.5 per cent for 2022.