MUHC Staff Deadline for Submitting Summer Vacation Preferences is Midnight March 14
According to McGill University Health Centre (MUHC), Local Agreements, the employees from APTS, MUHCEU-CSN, and SPSICR-CUSM FIQ unions have until midnight March 14 to submit their summer vacation preferences.
Vacation preferences are granted by seniority, according to the various union contracts. However, if an employee with more seniority misses the deadline, then an employee with less seniority who submitted their choice within the delay has priority.
Employees returning to their jobs during the summer vacation period, from a personal leave, salary insurance, or a work accident, should also submit their vacation preferences.
Did You Know
- The union contracts have two vacation periods, the summer vacation period from May 15 – September 30 and the winter vacation from October 1 to April 30.
- Before March 1 (summer vacation period) and September 1 (winter vacation period), the Employer shall post a list of the employees, including their seniority and the amount of annual vacation to which they are entitled, along with a form where the employee can make their preferences.
Employees shall March 15 (This should read like the French version of the collective agreement, ‘before’ March 15.) to enter their vacation preference for summer vacations, and before September 15 for winter vacations.have until- You can make modifications to your vacation preferences up until the March 14 deadline.
- By seniority, you can take all your vacation in one block or request separate week vacation periods.
- You can split one week into individual days, but these days must be taken outside the normal vacation period May 15 – September 30.
- After 17 years of service, you start accumulating extra vacation days up to a maximum of 5 days. These five days may be requested as individual days, outside the normal vacation period.
- The period between May 15 and September 30 of each year shall be considered as the normal period for taking one’s vacation.
- The Employer may not require an employee to take their vacation outside the normal annual vacation period.
- The
Employer shall post the vacation schedule in the usual April 1 and October 1 at the latest.places by - Two (2) employees with the same job title, working in the same service and entitled to the same number of days of vacation, are free to exchange their annual leave with each other, with the consent of their immediate supervisor, who may not refuse without a valid reason.
- When spouses work in the same institution, and after so requesting at the time of signing up for vacation choices, they may take their vacation at the same time; however, their vacation period shall be that of the spouse with less seniority, providing that this does not affect the choice of other employees with more seniority.
For more information contact your Manager, Human Resources or your local Union Office.
Read More:
- Public Health Sector Employees Can Switch Their Annual Vacation With A Coworker
- Spouses Are Entitled to Take Annual Vacation at the Same Time
- Employees Are Not Obligated to Inform Coworkers of Their Vacation Dates
National Contracts
APTS National Collective Agreement 2016 – 2020
MUHCEU CSN-FSSS National Collective Agreement 2016 – 2020
SPSICR-CUSM National Collective Agreement 2016 – 2020
Local Contracts
APTS Local Collective Agreement
MUHCEU CSN-FSSS Local Collective Agreement
SPSICR-CUSM Local Agreement