
Unions and Quebec Agree Low Wage Healthcare Workers Deserve More Money – But Just Not Right Now

(Photo: Natalia Ovchinnikova / Pexels) Opinion The Quebec government agrees with labour organizations that most of you, the provinces' lower-wage…

3 years ago

Quebec Latest Contract Offer Continues to Impoverish Healthcare Workers – Is Miles Away From Original Salary Demands

Despite the 15 percent salary increase for patient attendants, Quebec's latest salary offer will continue to impoverish healthcare workers. (Photo:…

3 years ago

If Unions Seek the Guilty for the State of Quebec’s Public Healthcare, They Need Only Look Into a Mirror

The historic Quebec strike of 2015 achieved only modest wage gains that favored the impoverishment of healthcare workers, a concession…

4 years ago

All Healthcare Workers are Essential – Quebec Needs to do Right by Justly, Adjusting the Unjust Bonuses

As COVID-19 doesn't discriminate based on an employee's education, neither should the bonuses. Image: Manuel's Blog Opinion: Health and social…

4 years ago

“I’m Having a Hard Time With Being Called an Angel or Hero, I’m a Health-Care Worker. Truth Be Told I’d Rather Be Home”

"I go and I do my part, but I’m stressed. Are heroes and angels supposed to be stressed": Montreal healthcare…

4 years ago

Patient Returned to ER and Inexpensive Plywood Sheet Used in Police Cruiser Rescue Didn’t Break!

According to sources, unlike the large cement patio tiles, the approximately $50 plywood sheets used as a ramp in the…

5 years ago

Employees Have the Right to Be Promptly Informed of the Specifics of Accusations Against Them

In criminal law, the accused is innocent until proven guilty, it's the opposite with labour law. Photo: Donald Tong /…

5 years ago

MUHC CSN employees should reject the latest agreement in principle

OPINION At the CSN FSSS Federal Council, on March 11, 2016, in Drummondville, Quebec, the majority of union delegates present…

8 years ago

Opinion: Why You Should Vote to Reject the Tentative Agreement

At the FSSS Federal Council, on March 11, 2016, in Drummondville, Quebec, the majority of union delegates present voted to…

8 years ago

There Exists More Which Unites Us Than Divides Us – Start With Self Respect and Empathy for Co-Workers

https://youtu.be/hN8CKwdosjE Studies show that multitasking is less productive and may even damage your brain, despite this employers continue to increase…

12 years ago

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