The following helpful collection of links provides healthcare workers with information regarding their rights, obligations and the events that shape their community.
Keep a copy of all documents, certificates or forms you submit and remember to get written confirmation and receipt.
If you receive a verbal reply, follow up with an email summarizing the conversation and confirm the agreed or promised details.
National and Local Collective Agreements (Contracts)
MUHC Employee Unions
- The Alliance of Professional and Technical Personnel in Health and Social Services (APTS)
- McGill University Health Centre FSSS CSN Employees Union (MUHCEU)
- Union of Nursing and Cardio-Respiratory Professionals of the MUHC FIQ (SPSICR-CUSM)
Quick Links:
- How and when Quebec employees can use the powerful Right of Refusal
- New Labour Standards Laws For Quebec Workers including MUHC Employees
- Leave of absence from work with pay or without pay
- Employees Have the Right to Be Promptly Informed of the Specifics of Accusations Against Them
- Would You Like to Upgrade Your Skills? The eLearning Centre Offers MUHC Staff Courses and Workshops
- Tool For Calculating your new April 02, 2019 salary click (All health and social services sector employees)
- MUHC Office of the Ombudsman Offers Services to Both Users and Staff
CNESST – Work Accident:
- A Salary Insurance Form Is Mandatory to Continue to Receive Your Indemnities
- An Act Respecting Occupational Health and Safety (Quebec Regulations Regarding Work Safety)
SSQ Insurance:
- How to Properly Complete a Salary Insurance Form to Continue Receiving Indemnities
- How and Where to Submit Your SSQ Group Insurance Claims
- Everything to Know About Your MUHC Vacation Rights and Obligations: Plus Winter Vacation Deadlines
- Spouses Are Entitled to Take Annual Vacation at the Same Time
- Public Health Sector Employees Can Switch Their Annual Vacation With A Coworker
- March 14 Midnight Is The Deadline for CSN Staff To Submit Summer Vacation Preferences
- CSN and APTS Union Members Must Submit Winter Vacation Preferences by Midnight September 14
- Employees Are Not Obligated to Inform Coworkers of Their Vacation Dates
Work-Life Balance
- Quebec Employees Are Entitled to 10 Days Per Year For Family Obligations
- For Family Care Leave Employees Are Entitled to Ten Days Plus 16 to 36 Weeks Over a 12-Month Period
- As a caregiver, you can receive financial assistance of up to 55 per cent of your earnings, to help you take time off work
Reduced Work Week
- Mise a jour semaine du travail reduite – UPDATE, Reduced Work Week
- Reduced, compressed, shorter workweek benefits staff, users and employer