
What Healthcare Workers Need to Know Regarding MUHC Summer Vacation Rights and Obligations

Summer vacation preferences must be sent before March 15 for APTS, MUHCEU-CSN, and SPSICR-CUSM FIQ staff. (Credit: Artem Beliaikin /…

4 years ago

Public Health Sector Employees Can Switch their Annual Vacation With Coworkers

Photo: Mimi Thian / Unsplash With the consent of your supervisor or manager, who may not refuse without a valid…

4 years ago

Spouses Are Entitled to Take Annual Vacation at the Same Time

Your request needs to be made when submitting your vacation choices. Photo: Pixabay / Pexels You and your spouse are…

4 years ago

Interim Union President De Melo Demands Head Office Temporarily Reduce or Suspend Union Dues

"There are presently no arbitration’s, no representative counselor on site, etc. Members should not be charged dues for a service…

4 years ago

Public Health Sector Union Wants $3 – $4 per Hour COVID-19 Premium With 2.2 per Cent Salary Increase

Manuel’s Blog has learned the FSSS-CSN is demanding from the Conseil du trésor a “coronavirus pandemic premium” of $3- $4…

4 years ago

It’s Official: Public Sector Unions Want $3 per Hour Pay Increase in the First Year of a New Contract

Quebec City 2015 contract negotiations mobilization. After spending a year consulting with members, the CSN's public sector federations officially filed…

5 years ago

Employer Deadline to Post APTS and CSN Staff Winter Vacation Schedules is Oct. 1 and Sept. 15 for FIQ Staff

Photo: Pixabay / Pexels If you are an APTS or MUHCEU CSN union member, the deadline for your department, according…

5 years ago

Immunosuppressed Patient Placed in an Unclean Room at the Montreal General Hospital

(Image: Public Domain Pictures) Pierre, a patient whose immune system has been weakened by medication was placed in an unclean…

5 years ago

CSN and APTS Union Members Must Submit Winter Vacation Preferences by Midnight September 14

If you are absent during the posting period, you must respect the deadlines and submit your preferences to the employer…

5 years ago

Everything to know regarding MUHC Saff Winter Vacation Deadlines, Rights and Obligations

Your winter vacation preference must be submitted before September 15 for APTS and MUHCEU members, and September 1st for SPSICR-CUSM.…

5 years ago

Would You Like to Upgrade Your Skills? The eLearning Centre Offers MUHC Staff Courses and Workshops

The McGill University Health Centre (MUHC), Learning Organizational Development and Wellness Department offer employees different learning opportunities that will allow…

5 years ago

Families Are More Than Just Visitors, They Are Fundamental Extensions of Patients

"Families deserve to be more than visitors. They are fundamental extensions of patients, and inclusive medical care benefits everyone." Photo:…

5 years ago

Official Seniority Lists Are Published in April – You Have 60 Calendar Days to Request a Correction

Photo; Photo Bruce Mars / Pexels After Sixty Calendar Days, the List Becomes the Official Record of Seniority You have…

5 years ago

How to locate your 2019 pay adjustment and its disregard for your years of service

Image: Mohamed Hassan We regularly receive questions regarding the April 2019 salary adjustments and the demotion in the years of…

5 years ago

April 28 is The National Day of Mourning – Let’s not forget one minute of silence at 10 AM

April 28 Let's Not Forget Them The National Day of mourning also referred to as Workers' Memorial Day or World Day…

5 years ago

On April 2019 all Healthcare Employees receive ZERO pay raise – Despite Quebec’s Historic Labour Strike

Despite taking part in Quebec's historic labour movement, (public sector strikes of 2015), health and social service sector workers will…

6 years ago

Seven Union Executives Agree to Single Seniority Vacation List Test for Housekeeping Staff – MUHC Says This Is Not a Test

Photo: Adobe Stock According to the Employer, the agreement reached between the CSN union executive and the Housekeeping department concerning…

6 years ago

View Your New April 2019 Salary Using This Simple Online Tool

Salaries for employees of the public health and social services sector can be found online at the "Comité patronal de…

6 years ago

Reduced, compressed, shorter workweek benefits staff, users and employer

A reduced (shorter, compressed) workweek is one of our most popular topics. We regular receive feedback from our readers regarding…

6 years ago

New Labour Standards Laws For Quebec Workers including MUHC Employees

Photo: / Pexels The Labour Standards Laws Are the Minimum, your Collective Agreement (Contract) May Provide You With More,…

6 years ago

Billionaire Warren Buffet’s advice on hiring is relevant, as MUHC CEO Dr. Gfeller builds his new team

"And if they don't have the latter, the first two will kill you, because if you're going to get someone…

6 years ago

As a caregiver, you can receive financial assistance of up to 55 per cent of your earnings, to help you take time off work

As a caregiver, you don’t have to be related to or live with the person you care for or support,…

6 years ago

MUHC Union Presidents keep planned job cuts ‘secret’ – while the members unknowing train their replacements

Statue outside CSN Montreal Office The MUHC CSN Union President and 1st President directly received confirmation regarding the assistants-techniques en…

6 years ago

Quebec Government Promises to Cap Hospital Parking Rates at $10 per Day

Manuel Fernandes, former union president wants the discount of nearly 58 per cent to also apply to staff parking rates.…

6 years ago

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