
FSSS-CSN President Confirms Over 13,000 Union Members Have Already Caught COVID-19

WHO admits coronavirus travels in microscopic respiratory airborne particles that pose a risk of exposure at distances beyond 1 to…

4 years ago

All Healthcare Workers are Essential – Quebec Needs to do Right by Justly, Adjusting the Unjust Bonuses

As COVID-19 doesn't discriminate based on an employee's education, neither should the bonuses. Image: Manuel's Blog Opinion: Health and social…

4 years ago

Counter to CNESST Directive – MUHC is Sharing Employees Personable Symptoms with Co-workers

"Answers to these questions are confidential and employers must take the necessary steps to ensure their confidentiality," CNESST. Image: Matthew Henry…

4 years ago

The McGill University Health Centre is Issuing Expired N95 Masks to its Healthcare Personnel

"We have a contingency plan in the event of a shortage of N95 masks. In case of exhaustion of stocks…

4 years ago

“I’m Having a Hard Time With Being Called an Angel or Hero, I’m a Health-Care Worker. Truth Be Told I’d Rather Be Home”

"I go and I do my part, but I’m stressed. Are heroes and angels supposed to be stressed": Montreal healthcare…

4 years ago

After Analyzing Rate of Infections Quebec Announces Systematic Testing for All Staff and Residents in CHSLDs

Quebec Health Minister Danielle McCann told reporters, the government wants, "to protect those who built the Quebec we have today."…

4 years ago

Quebec: New Directives for Immunocompromised Staff, Quarantine, Awaiting Test Results and After the Results

No amount can be recovered by the employer from employees, following the result of a test. (Photo: Martin Lopez from…

4 years ago

Quebec’s New Decree Outlines Who Receives Which Bonus, Paid Meals and Daycare Expenses

Employees who work in one or other of the environments on the listed will receive a bonus of 8% applicable…

4 years ago

$287 Million in Bonuses for Quebec Healthcare Workers retro to March 13

Details of the bonus package were revealed in Quebec by the Treasury Board President, Christian Dubé, and Health Minister Danielle…

4 years ago

Quebec Reverts to Last December’s Salary Offer – But Wants Higher Compensation for PAB’s

(Image: rottonara / Pixabay) During Sunday's daily press conference, Quebec premier François Legault said that one of his goals is…

4 years ago

Employees who are ordered to stay home due to COVID-19 symptoms or protocols continue to receive their salary

The employer should continue to pay you and not remove personal or sick days. (Image: MeHe / Pixabay) Workers who…

4 years ago

Public Health Sector Union Wants $3 – $4 per Hour COVID-19 Premium With 2.2 per Cent Salary Increase

Manuel’s Blog has learned the FSSS-CSN is demanding from the Conseil du trésor a “coronavirus pandemic premium” of $3- $4…

4 years ago

Quebec Health Minister Issues Decree Which Modifies Working Conditions for Healthcare Workers

The order modifies certain national and local provisions of the collective agreements such as, leaves, vacations, assignments and schedules. (Image:…

5 years ago

Returning Public Health-care Workers Ordered to Self-Isolate Do Not Lose Sick or Personal Days

Premier Legault, "public-sector workers who self-isolate will be paid." (Credit: Skitterphoto / Pexels ) On March 12, the Quebec government…

5 years ago

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